Protect Your Kids...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

On the subject of trust...

Sometimes a business musing transcends into sports...Seth Godin is pretty big in my world outside of sports. I consider him very wise.  

We always tell our kids to trust us.  Does it go both ways?

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Seth GodinDate: Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 3:25 AMTo: Ted Browne
Subject: A bias for trust

Two very simple truths:
a. Don't waste your time initiating relationships that aren't going to thrive and benefit both sides.
b. Productive connection requires mutual trust. You can't empathize with someone you don't trust.
If you enter an engagement filled with wariness, alert for the scam, the inauthentic and the selfish, you'll poison the relationship before it even starts. Those you deal with won't be challenged to rise to your expectations of excitement and goodwill. Instead, they'll struggle in the face of your skepticism.

Instead of seeking and amplifying the sharp edges, consider focusing on the dignity and goodwill of the people you're working with.

Sure, there are people out there who will disappoint you. But expecting to be ripped off poisons all your interactions instead of saving you from a few dead ends.

An open mind and an open heart usually lead to precisely that in those that you are about to deal with. Perhaps we should give people a chance to live up to our trust instead of looking for the gotcha.
Make each day your masterpiece!
Ted Browne
Chief StoryTeller
Beyond Athletic Life Lessons ("BALL")
Ass't Baseball Coach
Vanguard University 
BALL Blog: (blog)
Ball Facebook Page (click here)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Quick Twitch and Bat Speed

Beyond Athletic Life Lessons (BALL) teaches a unit about strength conditioning and quick twitch versus slow twitch muscles and the effect on bat speed/arm speed.  Both are important.  But in athletics, (especially softball, baseball, golf, etc.) there's a time and a place for conditioning each.  The on-deck circle is an excellent place to excite your quick twitch muscles...but it's no time to be lifting weights.  

We've always believed that weighted bats (donuts, etc.) hurt quick twitch response in the on-deck circle.  Many coaches scoff at this - even at the MLB level.  Have them watch this Sports Science clip...and if they prefer a written version of the research, go to a Wall Street Journal article just might change their mind... 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Focus on the process, the end result will follow your lead...

While history will ultimately vet Saban, there's no denying his success in developing what he calls "The Process".  Sports Illustrated describes it as simply focusing "on the steps to success rather than the end result." Eerily similar to Coach Wooden's prescription for success, no?

Here's an article about how it can be used in other areas of your life.