Hey, Mr. B! We are facing this with our very talented young Ella right now in soccer, trying to keep the simple love of the game alive in a sea of achievement-oriented parents and coaches. Here is another very timely article that echoes the feelings about this disgusting trend: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/27/sports/committing-to-play-for-a-college-then-starting-9th-grade.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20140127&_r=1#permid=11031388
Ted Browne is the founder and Chief Storyteller of Beyond Athletic Life Lessons, Inc. ("BALL").
BALL is an educational nonprofit corporation that teaches kids (and their parents) emotional and academic intelligence through sports.
Contact Ted at Success@GoToBALL.org or call 714-334-4023.
Hey, Mr. B! We are facing this with our very talented young Ella right now in soccer, trying to keep the simple love of the game alive in a sea of achievement-oriented parents and coaches. Here is another very timely article that echoes the feelings about this disgusting trend: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/27/sports/committing-to-play-for-a-college-then-starting-9th-grade.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20140127&_r=1#permid=11031388