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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cressey knocks it out of the park (again!)

This week I, along with a few thousand or so other baseball coaches, attended the American Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA) convention. The keynote speaker for Friday's session was none other than Eric Cressey.

For those of you not affiliated with the baseball modules of BALL, Cressey trains pro athletes (he handled Curt Schilling's rehab) and high level amateurs at his Cressey Performance training facility near Boston, MA. Through his numerous articles and videos both in magazines and online and our "BALL Presents Eric Cressey on (topic)", Cressey has taught thousands more parents and baseball athletes about the nuts and bolts of proper arm care and complete body conditioning.

Yet for all the videos and articles he's written, this 40 minute presentation was even more impressive. There's something magical about watching an entertaining speaker who knows his stuff give you a multi-media presentation about a subject that could be so dry. Arm health? Joint treatments? Watching videos of people do core exercises? In the wrong hands, this can make for a very long evening. In Cressey's, he left us wanting more.

And so he gave it to us.

Directly after the presentation, he made himself available for a separate Q&A on the topics. That session lasted longer than the presentation. And unlike many "experts" in the baseball industry, he had no ulterior ax to grind. He wasn't selling books or videos or consulting services. He just wanted you to get better.

BALL is blessed to have Cressey as a valued resource. Last night simply drove that point home.

For a wide range of strength and conditioning topics and a priceless education that could literally save you or your child's athletic life, get lost in his website here. His content is free.

Make each day your masterpiece!

Ted Browne