Protect Your Kids...

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Cressey on being recruited...

Followers of Beyond Athletic Life Lessons know that we're very big on Eric Cressey. He works with some of the top overhand throwing and Olympic athletes in the nation. We're blessed to be able to use his talent to help you train better and, well, be better.  Here's a link to an article that talks about questions to ask during the recruiting process if you are recruited in high school. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What Baseball and Softball Coaches and Players Should Know About "in-season" Conditioning and Recovery...

Eric Cressey is a great friend of BALL and operates the premier training facility specializing in overhead throwing athletes.  His facility is also one of the nation's elite Olympic sport training facility.  From time-to-time, he allows us to piggy back on his extensive knowledge base.

This is one of those times.  Enjoy!

What Baseball and Softball Coaches and Players Should Know About "in-season" Conditioning and Recovery...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014